Friday, June 19, 2009

Online Teaching Tips

I am certainly learning on line instruction is so somewhat different than face-to-face. The following site gives all the details and suggestionsCommon sense, however will prevail, I believe it is more work for online sessions the first time -- as with the first time for face-to-face activities, but when comparing the two and given the  the proper commitment for each, the engagement is greater with the online model.

1 comment:

  1. I do agree that online instruction is very different from the classroom. You have to trust your students are working, however by looking for the "clues" (recent changes, comments, discussion boards, etc.) you gain a better undestanding of how it's going.

    I worked in the CTER (curriculum, tech, and educational reform) online master's program from the University of IL in 1999-2001 and found after the experience was done, the computer was not my first choice for recreational activities! I felt compelled to be checking in constantly on the message boards to make sure I wasn't missing information! However, it was a great way to fit a degree into my busy life. In the end, I had more admiration for the teachers wo realized that face to face instruction techniques would not necessarily fit into online courses! So yes, it did take extra work.
